
Strong opinions, weakly held

Month: July 1999 (page 3 of 10)

The Apache web site has a list of sites that are using mod_perl.

IBM’s developer magazine has a dirt simple explanation of what Enterprise Java Beans are, and why you would use them. I’ve been looking for such an article for quite awhile.

There’s an article in Salon about people who sell items and characters from massive online role-playing games. I always wondered if people who bid hundreds of bucks for EverQuest items on eBay were actually paying up; I guess the answer is yes. I guess selling stuff from the game is a good enough way for high schoolers to earn some extra cash during the summer … it’s more fun than mowing lawns.

InfoWorld’s Sandy Reed explains why they reverted to their old site. I think it was the right move, and I think that it took a lot of courage.

MSNBC has a story about FreeBSD, and indeed claims that uber-geeks consider it to be cooler than Linux. I don’t know about that, but it is nice to see FreeBSD get some press. I didn’t read the whole story because the page layout and server response times at MSNBC are abysmal.

Is Gerald Holmes the next Walter Miller?

The version of Perl will be 5.6 (following 5.005). Perl.com has a rundown of the new features.

Does anyone know what Netscape SmartDownload is and how to get rid of it? Send email.

I’m out of town this weekend, so there won’t be any updates until Monday, July 26.

IBM developerWorks has an article detailing the history of Linux at IBM.

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