
Strong opinions, weakly held

Month: September 2000 (page 2 of 7)

Former Entertainment Tonight host and singer of bad New Age music John Tesh has sued Vignette for misrepresenting the capabilities of StoryServer. Now that’s funny.

You don’t have to dig very deep into the Internet industry to discover that many companies attempt to solve hard problems by ignoring them and pretending that they don’t exist. For example, Akamai completely ignores the free rider problem on their network by ignoring it. If you know how to cut and paste an Akamai URL, you can use their caching servers to speed access to your content on one of their customers’ tabs.

Java Web developers: Tomcat 4.0 Milestone 1 is available for download.

Online jewelry store Miadora closed up shop because they couldn’t pay their bills. This is only interesting to me because I actually bought a gift from that site earlier this year, it was actually a very nice shopping experience. I guess people weren’t willing to spend thousands of dollars on jewelry that they’d never seen first hand.

ZDNet has a lame article on the death of Gnutella. The existance of Gnutella is completely irrelavent to the concept of sharing (stealing) music over the Internet. It’s just an iteration. People have been creating peer-to-peer networks for a very long time now, Gnutella is just an example of a badly implemented peer-to-peer network.

A bill is making its way through Congress that will allow people to see their credit scores, the three digit codes which are distilled from their credit histories. I guess your lender isn’t supposed to show them to you, but when I bought a house, the lender showed me my scores, and told me what number I needed to get the loan I wanted. I appreciated it.

There’s an official version of Yahoo Messenger for both Linux and FreeBSD now. Cool.

I’m ashamed to admit that I failed to join ICANN so that I could vote for the five at-large members of the ICANN Board of Directors. However, I do want to point to some of the interesting candidates for those seats in this space, in hopes that some of my more industrious readers did register. The first of these is Barbara Simons, a long time computer industry veteran and former president of the ACM.

I’ve never understood the thinking behind the Go Network. Apparently neither does Moneybox over at Slate.

Raph Levien has taken over maintainership of Ghostscript, and is rekindling development on the project.

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