
Strong opinions, weakly held

Month: November 2000 (page 2 of 9)

So you might have heard that the General Services Office is refusing to provide the Bush team with transition funds since the election has not yet been decided. That’s no problem for them, they’re just going to get the cash from private donors. Is it just me, or does that seem awfully corrupt?

Tell me again about that nasty old liberal media? MSNBC’s usual cast of pundits skew to the right, too.

Builder.com has an article on building and running Apache 2.0. Perhaps I’ll try it out tonight.

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.

I’m not going to travel for Thanksgiving next year. I’d appreciate it if some readers could send me an email in mid-October next year to remind me of that. The airports at Thanksgiving are a total mess, and overall travelling to see family for Thanksgiving is just a pain every time. I think I’ll replace my annual Thanksgiving trip with a trip to see family on some other, nonsignificant weekend. I’m tired of going on trips that make me happy to get back to work the following week. That is all.

The author of the PING utility, Mike Muuss, died in an auto accident last week. I linked to his story on the history of PING not long ago. Rest in peace, Mike.

I know this is not news to many people, but corporate media really sucks. The link in a previous paragraph is a FAIR report on the vanishing standards of journalism over at ABC, which is, of course, property of Disney. It’s amazing that we trust the major networks to report on anything.

The Register offers some tips for whistleblowers who want to keep their jobs.

Tangentially related to the earlier eBay item is this blurb from the extremely ignorant AccountingWeb. Check out the headline: EBay Tackles Operating System Market — it only gets worse from there.

I love a good prank.

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