
Strong opinions, weakly held

Month: March 2004 (page 3 of 12)

Dare we hope?

Salon today has an article about moderate Republicans and their reaction to the radicalization of their political party. One of the most discouraging things to me about the Republican party is that the Republicans that I can respect are becoming increasingly marginalized. It’s striking to me that the current President’s father would no longer be all that comfortable with what his party has today become. As I’ve said before, I know some actual loyal Republicans who find themselves in the Anybody But Bush camp, so the article has the ring of truth to it.

What about Bob?

Salon: What about Bob? A lament for Bob Edwards.

No open source Java

Scott McNealy has announced that open source Java is not in the cards. That’s not going to be a popular decision.

Top Ten Things They Never Taught Me in Design School

This list of the Top Ten Things They Never Taught Me in Design School is applicable for software developers as well as designers. (Via Kottke.)

Richard Clarke’s credibility

Richard Clarke’s current statements on the war on terror are going to have to be reconciled with this background briefing given to reporters by Clarke in 2002, wherein he seems to contradict his more recent statements. If nothing else, this puts him in a “were you lying then, or are you lying now” situation.

Bob Edwards gets the boot

NPR has demoted the host of Morning Edition, Bob Edwards, for unclear reasons. If he’s anything like Paul O’Neill or Richard Clarke, soon he’ll quit his job, write a memoir that excoriates NPR management, and then we’ll see Nina Totenberg and Robert Siegel making the talk show rounds trashing his character and telling everyone he was out of the loop. For what it’s worth, I think Bob Edwards is a great radio broadcaster, and am sad to see him go.

Obligatory Fred Kaplan link

Slate’s Fred Kaplan has an article on why he trusts Richard Clarke. It’s worth reading, of course, especially in light of the avalanche of ludicrous attacks on Clarke that the Bush defenders have launched this week in response to Clarke’s 60 Minutes interview.

Now, that is clever

I’m always a sucker for the clever quip, and it doesn’t get any more clever than the Slacktivist’s terse explanation for not yet having seen a certain movie:

I still haven’t seen Gibson’s Passion — I’m always reluctant to see the movie when I really liked the book.


Jeffrey Zeldman has written a short CSS anecdote that explains one reason why I don’t do professional Web design any more — browser issues. The other, larger, reason, is that I knew I wasn’t really very good at it. For me, trying to figure out why an application that works fine in development won’t work when I move it to production is less stressful than trying to figure out why I can’t get text to quit wrapping in a nav bar.

SCO license getting more expensive

That SCO license that EV1 bought is getting more expensive every day, as disgruntled customers vote with their feet.

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