
Strong opinions, weakly held

Using Movable Type to publish a link blog

Anyone have any tips on the best way to use Movable Type to publish a weblog of links? The basic requirement is that each link has a title and description, and that you can link directly to the destination (rather than the weblog entry) from the RSS/Atom feed.

It seems like you need three fields to do it the traditional way — a title field, a field for the description of the link, and a field for the link itself. I’m thinking that the simplest approach is to use the title for the title, the entry field for the description, and the extended entry field for the URL to the destination, and then write alternate templates that use those fields as I intend. Is there a more accepted approach?


  1. You might just want to use a combination of GetXML and del.icio.us RSS feeds.


  2. This isn’t exactly analogous, but here’s the method I’m using to post my minireviews of books and films:

    title: Book/film title entry: linked Book/film title + rating. extended entry: review.

    That way, I can list the title + rating in the sidebar of my top page. People can click through to see why I gave it a certain rating, or to comment on the piece.

    My main site is a link blog, and I just use the entry field for the entry, including the URL. I don’t publish titles on the top page, so I can use that field for a short summary, or for a snarky comment, or whatever. You can mouse over the permalink to see the title.

  3. Abusing another field is how I’ve done my link blog for a long time. There are plugins like RightFields that would let you add a “link” field, though. (It has dynamic pages support.)

  4. I used the Keywords field, because at the time I wasn’t using tags as categories.

  5. I used the Keywords field, because at the time I wasn’t using tags as categories.

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