
Strong opinions, weakly held

Thousands of Burmese monks executed?

It has been widely reported that Burmese soldiers raided the monasteries that housed the monks who instigated the widespread street protests in Rangoon last week. A government official from Burma who is attempting to defect to Norway claims that the Burmese government executed thousands of the monks and dumped the bodies in the jungle and that he fled the country rather than participate in the execution program.


  1. What ever is the end result, the human species is proven to be utmost selfish, barbaric, cowardly – both for the suppression and by watching it happen.. where art thou Americans, the British? I AM ASHAMED TO BE BORN AS A HUMAN. Why did God give me intelligence. I SHALL NEVER FORGET THESE EVENTS. AND CARRY THIS SHAME FOREVER.


  2. God helps those who help themselves.

    Gandhiji used his strength of will to go forward into danger and do good work. The rulers of Burma have chosen to be murderous criminals. Free choice – free will is operating here.

    The only thing that needs to be done now is that these criminals must be brought to trial and be punished for what they have done. And that includes all the foot soldiers who have murdered monks.


  3. how do the educated crowd in India and in the Indian diaspora feel about the government of India trying to cozy up to the Burma Junta with arms, helicopters, oil and gas deals?

    The Foreign Minister of India said in a tv interview last night that India’s policy was to be non-interventionist and allow the people within each country to determine their own situation.

    The journalist doing the interview then reminded the otherwise very intelligent and knowledgable Foreign Minister that the people of Burma had voted in large numbers to determine their situation about 15 years ago and the Lady and members of parliament they had voted for were all either dead, in prison, or living in exile.

  4. Protests in many cities this week; not sure what the results are though. US media is not covering this adequately at all.

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