
Strong opinions, weakly held

Links for May 26

  • How DRM may have made it more difficult for the Amazon.com MP3 store to fulfill orders for Lady Gaga’s album when they put it on sale.
  • The Affordable Care Act is increasing the number of people with health insurance.
  • “In matters of cooking, authenticity is a joke.” This statement is important and true.
  • Edouard de Pomaine’s tomatoes a la creme. Incredibly tasty and easy to make.
  • An explanation of Pivotal Tracker’s client-side architecture. These days, all of the advanced Web applications are client-server apps written using JavaScript and HTML instead of Visual Basic or PowerBuilder.
  • Tim Bray thinks about what may happen to our stuff when we’re gone.
  • The Cassiopeia Project is a library of free science instruction videos. Funded by a retired scientist who wants to improve the quality of science education.
  • Journalists appear to be noticing that Republican politicians and pundits are not engaging with reality. Hopefully it’s the start of a trend.
  • The New York Times explains the lengths to which hotels must go to protect their staff from guests. Depressing.
  • Researchers find that cultured people feel less stress. Perhaps you’d enjoy a trip to a museum this weekend.


  1. Edouard de Pomaine’s tomatoes a la creme 404s 🙁

  2. Also, Irish soda bread that contains anything other than sodium bicarbonate, buttermilk, and flour (preferably mostly wholemeal and low in gluten) just isn’t right. (Though yoghurt in place of buttermilk is fully acceptable if buttermilk isn’t available).

    There are certain kinds of foods that have very inflexible recipes; sometimes authenticity isn’t a joke, especially when it’s so easy and do very good.

  3. I’m a huge fan of the Affordable Care Act, but the article is a bit misleading. The title is right, that the bill is increasing the number of people covered under insurance. But it’s just by letting young people remain on their parents’ plan. It’s not injecting new plans (and thus money) into the system to help defray the premiums of older, sicker people.

    I also have only a casual understanding of the complexities of American health care, so it’s entirely possible I’m misreading this.

  4. Eric, I not a fan of Obamacare but the article is correct. Parents have to pay extra to keep have their kids on their plans. So it is injecting new money. What it is not doing is adding new customers that are paying their own way. Of course, I’d rather have parents pay for their kids insurance than have my tax dollars pay for their kids insurance, so I guess this is a win…unless the premiums at my job go up because too many adult kids were added and my company is one of those that subsidize family plans. In that case it’s a net loss for me.

  5. Every place I’ve worked at has had three options: “Self Only”, “Self + Spouse” and “Family”, so I’d be curious how much extra money is being put into the system. On the flip side, those kids don’t get as sick so they likely aren’t costing much extra, and if they are on a plan and catch certain diseases or illnesses early (which they might not if they weren’t insured), there may be a net savings.

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