
Strong opinions, weakly held

New design, new functionality, old-style blogging

For the past little while, I’ve been experiencing a fair amount of Tumblr envy, and this weekend I decided to do something about it.

For whatever reason, this blog, like many others, has progressed toward longer and heavier posts over time. That has been accompanied by a reduction in the number of posts I make as well. The main reason for that is, I think, a migration toward posting short thoughts and links on Twitter, or just saving interesting articles to Instapaper or Pinboard and not really sharing them at all. That seems like a waste.

The beautiful thing about Tumblr is that it reduces the amount of friction involved in creating a blog post. Migrating to Tumblr was a non-starter for many reasons, so I have been looking for ways to implement some of the best ideas from Tumblr on this blog for awhile. This weekend, I came across the Pachyderm theme, created by Caroline Moore. It’s free, straightforward, and easy to customize. The default look is a bit precious for my tastes, but it has great bones.

So here we are. New look, new functionality, and hopefully more posts going forward. My goal is to go back to the good old days when I posted more and wrote less. We’ll see how it turns out.


  1. Looks interesting. I have many reservations about Tumblr, but I’m not doing any serious blogging, whatever that is, so I’m sticking with it for now. I wish other (popular) weblog platforms had something comparable to Tumblr’s dashboard.

  2. You’ve inspired me to rethink my blog / social media strategy. Think I’m going to start using my blog more often. (eh…low bar, I know).

  3. Looking good Rafe!

  4. Thanks!

  5. No preview button on comments? Sigh.

    Please consider switching to Disqus. They have all kinds of sweet features and a wordpress plugin that is pretty straightward. The plugin will migrate all your current comments automatically, too.

    If nothing else, please add a preview button.

  6. I’ve been contemplating Disqus as there are many things I really like about it.

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