
Strong opinions, weakly held

Tag: blogging (page 3 of 3)

Embargoed for one year

I’m thinking of trying a new experiment. Since I don’t have an anonymous blog, it’s rather difficult for me to post stories about what I work on, people at work, and other related topics. Once, a coworker posted at length about a conversation we’d had, and I found it slightly strange. I wouldn’t want someone I work with to learn what I thought of them through a blog post when I haven’t made those feelings clear to them in person.

I’ve been thinking about composing posts and then just sitting on them until some sort of internally imposed statute of limitations runs out. Any ideas on how long that should be?

The Media Bloggers Assocation

Here’s something bloggers should probably be paying attention to. Rogers Cadenhead’s site The Drudge Retort ran afoul of the Associated Press by using headlines and excerpts of its stories and was rewarded with a DMCA takedown notice.

In the process of responding to the AP’s demands, Rogers was put in touch with Robert Cox of the Media Bloggers Association, who volunteered to mediate on his behalf in the dispute based on prior experience working with the AP on something else. Until this week, I had never heard of the MBA, and apparently neither had Roger, who posts his own explanation of how Cox came to be involved in his dispute with the AP.

Cox’ involvement has prompted a pretty strong backlash, for what appear to be two reasons. The first is that media coverage of the controversy has portrayed him as being a spokesman for bloggers in general, which he in no way is, and the second is that some of the other things are, to put it mildly, controversial. Teresa Nielsen Hayden has an exhaustive post on Robert Cox and his background that’s worth at least skimming to get an idea of why his involvement irritates people. Scott Rosenberg posts in defense of Cox.

A blog for Tivo users

TV producer Chuck Lorre uses the two second “vanity cards” displayed at the end of shows he produces to publish short essays on whatever he feels like. You can only read the essays if you pause the shows on your DVR. One recent card discussed the then upcoming WSJ article about Lorre’s essay. If that doesn’t make his essays a blog in an unusual format, what would?

Six Apart moves into advertising and services

Six Apart has acquired uber-Movable Type consulting firm Apperceptive, creating a new professional services branch, and has also launched a new ad network for bloggers. For what it’s worth, I think that Six Apart’s moves lately to reach out to people who aren’t using their tools for publishing are sound strategy.

Josh Marshall wins a Polk Award

Talking Points Memo has won a Polk Award for legal reporting, specifically for breaking the story of the Bush administration’s purge of US Attorneys. The revelation that the Bush administration was firing US attorneys for political reasons ultimately led to the resignation of much of the senior staff of the Justice Department, including the Attorney General, and the reporters at TPM dug up the story by noticing a couple of anomalies and pulling the threads.

TPM is one of the few sites that the purge of political blogs from my newsreader after the 2004 election, and I’m glad to see them earn this recognition.

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