
Strong opinions, weakly held

Tag: editors

Vim and ctags

I’ve been living in Vim for the past year or so, and doing so has yielded great rewards in terms of productivity and one decent post on the grammar of Vim. I’ve tried to be miserly with Vim plugins. There are tons of great plugins for Vim, but I feel like it’s more important to master the built in features of the editor before I start adding new ones. For example, I’m still not a proficient user of registers, and I still miss opportunities to perform operations using the inside and around grammar.

Ctags is a really powerful external tool that I don’t feel violates my self-imposed plugin moratorium. It creates an index of your code so that you can navigate within and between files based on identifiers in the code. If you’re accustomed to using an IDE like Eclipse, this is functionality you come to take for granted. In the Vim world, you need to use Ctags to get it. I’ve gotten by all year (and for the past couple of decades of vi usage) without bothering with Ctags, but searching for a method definition with Ack for the billionth time finally led me into getting serious about setting up Ctags for my projects.

Getting started with Ctags is easy. Once you’ve installed the Ctags package, just go to the directory with your source code and run Ctags like this:

ctags *.rb

This produces tags for all of the Ruby files in the current directory, helpfully storing them in a file named tags. It’s an ASCII file, you can view it if you want to. Once you’ve done so, you can open Vim (or another editor that supports Ctags), and then use the tags to navigate around. You can use :tag to jump to a specific tag, or Control-] to jump to whatever tag is under the cursor. Once you’ve jumped to a tag, you can jump back to the previous location with Control-T. There’s a Vim tip that explains the tag-related commands.

The static nature of tag files means that some customization of your environment is necessary to get things working smoothly. As soon as you start changing your files or you pull in updates from version control, the tags are out of date, so you need a way to automatically keep them up to date. You also need to set things up properly so that Vim can properly look up tags for files in other directories.

Let’s talk about the second challenge first, because you need to figure out how you’re going to solve it before you can solve the first problem. You can generate tags recursively using the -R flag with ctags. To generate the tags for all of the files in the current directory and its subdirectories, you can run:

ctags -R .

This may seem like a good idea, but there are some issues that aren’t worth going into in this blog post.

Another option is to put a tags file in each directory. One reason is that having tags in each directory facilitates keeping your tags up to date automatically. I’ll discuss that shortly. The other relates to how Vim locates the tags in other directories. You can configure Vim with the locations to search for tag files using the tags setting. By default, it looks like this:


Vim keeps track of two “current” directories, which may be the same. The first is the current directory of the shell used to open Vim. You can find out what it is by using the :pwd command. The second is the directory of the file in the current buffer. You can show the full path to the current buffer with the command :echo expand('%:p'). This configuration indicates that Vim should search for tags in the tags file in its current directory, and then check the tags file in the directory of the file in the current buffer.

This works fine for simple projects where all of the files are in the same directory. In many cases, though, projects span a nested directory structure and you may want to look up a tag in one directory that’s in a source file in another directory. Here’s my tags setting:

set tags=./tags,tags;

I got rid of the capitalized tag file names because I don’t roll that way. I also added a trailing semicolon to the setting, which enables Vim to recurse all of the subdirectories of its current directory looking for tag files. The tag search path can be broadened as much as you like, but that’s sufficient for me. The only catch is that I have to open Vim from my project’s home directory if I want to be able to search the tags for the whole project.

This scheme works perfectly with the “one tags file per directory” approach. Now the trick is to generate all of the files and keep them up to date. There are a number of approaches you can take, helpfully listed in the Exuberant Ctags FAQ. I’m using strategy #3, because it’s the one the author of Ctags recommends and I don’t know anything he doesn’t.

I have a script called projtags that generates tag files in every directory under the current directory. When I want to use ctags for a project, I switch to the project directory and run this script. You can find it in this Gist.

To update the tags for a file when I save a file in Vim, I use an autocommand in my Vim configuration. The source for that is in another Gist that you can copy. The function updates the tags whenever you save a file and there’s a tags file in the directory of the file being saved. This prevents new tag files from being created in random directories that aren’t part of projects. The functions delete the tags for the current file being saved from the tags file using sed and then uses ctags -a to append the tags for the file being saved to the tags file. This is faster than generating tags for all of the files in the directory. You can just paste the contents of the Gist into your .vimrc file.

I also want to update my tags whenever I pull in other people’s changes from version control. I could just run my projtags script when I pull new files, but for one of our projects, it takes about 40 seconds to run. Too slow. Instead, I have a script called updatetags that finds all of the directories where the tags file is not the newest file in the directory and regenerates the tags file for those directories. It also generates tags in directories that were added since the last run. (It’s in a Gist as well.)

The final step is invoking the script. There are a lot of ways to do so, but I use Git, and I want the script to run automatically after I pull in code from remote repositories. To cover all cases, I run the following commands (from the home directory of the repository):

ln -s $SCRIPT_DIR/updatetags .git/hooks/post-checkout
ln -s $SCRIPT_DIR/updatetags .git/hooks/post-merge

The $SCRIPT_DIR variable is just a placeholder for the actual directory where updatetags lives.

I should add that one special bonus when you have your tags set up properly is that you can open a tag from the command line rather than a file, using the -t flag. So if you want to open a class named UserHistory you can just type:

vim -t UserHistory

I immediately found this to be fantastically efficient.

This system of managing tag files may be grossly inefficient. If you have a better way of managing your tags, I’d love to hear about it in the comments.

For more information:

Navigating among tabs in Vim

Last week I mentioned that the only thing I was struggling with in my transition to Vim for editing code was juggling multiple open files at once. Switching from one file to another is really easy, especially if you’re working on a Rails app and using rails.vim. There are a number of really nice navigation features built in that make it easy to open any file from your project and to switch among related files.

This morning I noticed that these navigation commands all have “open in new tab,” “open in new split window,” and “open in new window” variations. So to open a model called “store.rb”, in command mode you just type:

:Rmodel store

To open that model in a new tab, you type:

:RTmodel store

Navigating among tabs using the keyboard is easy as well:

<tab number>gt

So, to switch to the third tab, you just type “3gt”. In command mode you can also just type “gt” to move to the next tab.

Suddenly, my problems are solved.

I’m also getting the hang of split windows, which I should have mastered years ago. They have two advantages over tabs, the first being that they make it easy to look at multiple files at once. The second is that you can use them in terminal sessions as well. Another nice thing about split windows is that you can split your view of one file so that you can look at one section of the file while you work on another.

I think the real lesson here is that not taking the time to master your tools is false economy.

Opinions sought: OS X text editors

What’s the general consensus on BBEdit 9 versus TextMate for working on Ruby on Rails applications? Is there a compelling reason to migrate away from TextMate?

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