
Strong opinions, weakly held

Tag: email

Your email address as your identity

Alexandra Petri explains, in a funny way, what your e-mail address says about you and talks about changing fashions in the world of email. It also includes a helpful guide, here’s an example:

@YourWorkEmail You either work somewhere important or don’t understand the concept behind e-mail. You have a tendency to forward people joke e-mails with picture attachments.

I have long been a follower of email fashion. I think I originally subscribed to The Well because an @well.com email address had a certain amount of cachet and because I knew my ISP email address wouldn’t have any staying power. Then I realized that vanity domains were where it was at. I registered rc3.org as a place to get mail (and have a home page, of all things) before blogs even existed. Eventually I switched to Gmail (although my vanity email address and my well.com email address still work perfectly well) mainly for simplicity. When you tell someone “gmail dot com” over the phone you never have to spell anything, and nobody looks down on you for using Gmail.

I certainly haven’t used my work email for anything personal for at least 15 years. It’s so gauche.

Google Groups killed by spammers

John Resig says Google Groups is dead:

There is one area in which Google Groups continues to shine: Private, or restricted, mailing list discussions. However any attempts at using it for a public discussion medium are completely futile.

The primary problem with Google Groups boils down to a systemic failure to contain and manage spam. Only a bottom-up overhaul of the Google Groups system would be able to fix the problems that every Google Group faces.

Sad considering how well Gmail does at keeping spam under control.

Links from May 28th

Email is dead

More evidence that email is dead: automatic replies sent to the forged from address on incoming spam like the one below.

White House email: malice or incompetence?

Since it was initially disclosed that the White House had lost millions of emails that were required by law to be archived, I’ve been wondering whether they were lost due to technical ineptitude or “lost” for political expedience. Ars Technica published an article today looking into that question.

It looks like incompetence may have played a big part. The White House replaced Lotus Notes with Microsoft Exchange, and replaced the old archiving system with the “hey dude, make a backup every now and then” system. On the other hand, the habitual use of external email accounts by some White House staffers looks more suspicious:

As if that weren’t bad enough, there is also evidence that some senior Bush administration officials have taken to using non-government e-mail accounts as a way to skirt the requirements of federal law. For example, the National Journal has reported that while Karl Rove was working in the White House, he used an outside account provided by the Republican party for “about 95 percent” of his correspondence. Indeed, Democrats on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform estimate that 88 senior White House officials had e-mail accounts with the Republican party or the Bush re-election campaign, and many officials used them extensively.

On that front, however, I suspect that there may be more to the story. I wonder if it’s the case that it was just easier for White House staffers to get Blackberries through the RNC than through official government channels. I have a friend who’s a politician, and his campaign account pays for his Blackberry. If most of the staffers had RNC-provided Blackberries before they got to the White House, it wouldn’t surprise me if they kept them.

Either way, using the external accounts for official correspondence was illegal and in the end will result in the historical record of the Bush years being less well documented than it should be.

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