Simon Willison turned up an interesting NoSQL use case in a crowdsourcing application he built for the Guardian. In the first application he built he used MySQL’s ORDER BY RAND()
, which is rather inefficient. (For more on its inefficiency, see the comments on this blog post.) The next time around, he outsourced picking out random results to in-memory database Redis:
The system maintains a redis set of all IDs that needed to be reviewed for an assignment to be complete, and a separate set of IDs of all pages had been reviewed. It then uses redis set intersection (the SDIFFSTORE command) to create a set of unreviewed pages for the current assignment and then SRANDMEMBER to pick one of those pages.
The NoSQL use case
Drizzle developer Brian Aker weighs in on NoSQL:
Even more than that, I’d argue that people move to NoSQL in many cases because they don’t really understand SQL. Nearly every back end programmer working on Web sites uses a relational database on a daily basis. Those who aren’t using them now probably did have to write SQL queries at one time. And yet very few developers I interview have what I’d describe as strong SQL skills. If you’re not going to use the relational database effectively, you may as well choose a simpler tool, but don’t pretend it’s for technical reasons. It’s a people issue.