
Strong opinions, weakly held

Month: April 2007 (page 5 of 6)

Today’s victims of climate change

Today the IPCC made official what people who were paying attention already knew, which is that the effects of climate change are already appearing, and that the people affected most acutely are residents of the poorest regions in the world. Even as developed nations dither about how to solve the problem we have caused before it affects us, people in poorer nations are dealing day to day with the effects of our actions, and are completely powerless to do anything about it since their carbon emissions are negligible.

News breakout?

Is MSNBC really touting an RSS reader/breakout mashup on their new site? How crazy is that?

The grim toll of politics

Looks like 21 workers at the Shorja market died yesterday as Sunni insurgents set out to prove that the statements made by John McCain and Indiana Congressman Mike Pence about the market’s safety were wrong.

When deployments go wrong

It’s one a.m. and I’ve just deployed the latest version of your application to the production server. I tested it on my local computer, I saw it work on the development server. Now it’s broken and I’m trying to decide whether to try to quickly fix the problem or roll back, assuming I’ve left myself with an easy way to roll back. This has happened to me more times than I’d like to admit. Lately I’ve been trying to figure out ways to make the deployment process more predictably successful.

Here’s a brief catalog of common deployment issues that I’ve been burned by in the past. If you don’t use version control or you habitually edit your code on the production server while it’s deployed, there are whole classes of other problems you may see as well. I don’t do those things. (Or admit to it, anyway.)

The development and production databases are out of sync. This is probably number one on the list of reasons for botched deployments. You deploy your new code to the production server and find that you forgot to add that one little column to the database, which in turn causes everything to blow up. Fortunately this is often one of the easiest problems to fix on the fly. Rails migrations are one of the most elegant solutions to this problem, I’m still looking for equivalents for other platforms. I’ve also been trying to find an application that will compare two schemas and show the differences.

You deployed the wrong code. This is a problem that usually pertains to how you manage your code in your version control system. Depending on your release process, it can be easy to wind up with the wrong code sitting on the production server after deployment. I find this often happens when one step in the process involves merging code from a development branch to a release branch (or something similar). Often the code is not properly tested after the merge, and surprising things happen on deployment. This is where tools that aid in merging branches like svnmerge can be helpful. You can also just run a full diff of the production and development branches as a sanity check to make sure that you’re really deploying the code you intend to deploy.

Missing dependencies on production. This is a reason why I’m generally a fan on packaging required libraries with the application I’m deploying. For example, if I’m working on a Java application, I prefer to keep as many of the JAR files the application depends on in the WAR file for the application. If there’s a required library present on the development box that is missing on the production box, bad things happen. I’ve also seen more subtle problems arise when versions are slightly out of sync. For example, I’ve seen this happen with the MySQL JDBC driver at times. In order to configure your database resources using JNDI, the database driver needs to be available to Tomcat, so it lives in $TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib rather than inside the application. That means that it’s possible for versions to differ from server to server, and some versions have bugs that others don’t. Beyond packaging libraries with the application being deployed, this problem is a tough one to keep under control.

Configuration files gone awry. It’s almost always the case that applications have some environment-specific configuration, even if it’s just to indicate which database the application needs to connect to. I mentioned in the previous item that I use JNDI for database configuration with Java applications. It enables me to refer to the same JNDI resource in my applications and keep the environment-specific stuff in the Tomcat configuration file. That exposes me to configuration-related risks. If you change your configuration requirements, but you haven’t updated the configuration on production to reflect those changes, you’ll run into problems at deployment. This problem is similar to having your database schemas out of sync. Another common problem is clobbering the production-specific configuration with the configuration from development. There are a number of ways to avoid this problem, but my favorite is to use whatever ignore facility your version control system provides judiciously. For example, for Rails applications, I never keep the database.yml file in version control, and I put it on the ignore list so that it never gets added by mistake. Instead I create an example that every developer copies when they set up the application. My deployment script copies the production database configuration at deployment time. That prevents the production database configuration from being overwritten when I deploy new versions of my application.

Differences in scale. Let’s say you work on a content management system for a newspaper. On your local machine, you delete and regenerate your database all the time. It never has more than a day’s worth of stories in it. On the development server, the database has a few thousand articles in it. On the production server, it has every article the newspaper has published for the past ten years, plus all of the reader comments associated with those articles. You will almost certainly find that your application behaves very differently in production than it does in development. That missing index in the development database may not matter, but in production it’s going to make certain queries slower by a factor of twelve. When you discover that the new features that worked brilliantly until they got to the production server bring your site to their knees upon deployment, you almost always have to roll back. There are many cases where differences in scale change things radically. Are you running a single server for development and deploying to a cluster? Does heavy usage on the production server reveal lost update problems and race conditions that you didn’t encounter when testing in development? Does your application suddenly crash under load? There’s no silver bullet for this one. Figuring out how scaling up will affect your application before deployment is one of those hard (or expensive) problems to address.

Deployment problems basically take two forms. The first is the obvious problem. In other words, nothing works. These are my favorite kinds of problems, because usually you can roll back and regroup, or you can apply an immediate fix. The second is the subtle problem, which every software developer hates. There are many kinds of subtle problems, but the subtle deployment problem is the worst because usually you can’t duplicate the problem in other environments. If you can, it wasn’t a deployment problem. Identifying such problems as deployment problems and then figuring out what caused them isn’t fun, and once you’ve spotted the problem, you have to decide whether to duplicate the problem in another environment or engage in the dreaded “fix by trial and error” approach. Either way, your life is probably hell until it’s fixed.

The best tonic for deployment problems is better tools. In the Java world, WAR files were a great advancement in terms of providing for smoother deployments. They allow you to package up your application and distribute it cleanly, and generally deploying WAR files is very easy. Ruby on Rails is, I think, the most deployment-friendly framework out there today. (I say that without knowing how Django compares.) Capistrano is a wonderful tool for managing code deployment and it’s simple enough that it’s being applied to non-Rails applications. (Here’s an explanation of how it was applied to a Java application, and here’s a similar article on Capistrano and PHP.) I’ve already mentioned migrations, which are a Rails feature that I’d like to see available for non-Rails applications as well.

The other key tool in the world of deployment is your version control system. If you are still deploying directly from your main development branch, I would suggest that your release process probably needs some work. Your version control system is what enables you to work on new features that will go live in six months and bug fixes that will go live tomorrow simultaneously. It’s the tool that will enable you to roll back to a version of your application that definitely works when you find yourself in the weeds. Be sure to give it the love and attention it deserves.

That’s my primer on deployment problems. Always remember that an application that works on your workstation only works in theory.

The Overton window

I’ve been very interested in the Overton window for a few months now. Patrick Nielsen Hayden has a good post explaining what it is, and why it matters. (He in turn quotes another good post from Amanda Marcotte.)

For what it’s worth, I first learned of the term “Overton window” from Tim Bray.

Just an everyday trip to the market

John McCain visits Baghdad market with a security detail a hundred men strong; declares it safe. Unsurprisingly, locals who work in the market on days when there isn’t a massive US military presence tell a different story.

Update: Josh Marshall weighs in on this absurd event.

Keyboard shortcuts for tabs

I’m proposing a law which states that if your application supports any concept of tabs, that users must be allowed to select tabs using some accelerator key and a number. On the Mac, it’s usually the Command key and a number, and on the PC, it’s ordinarily the Control key and a number. For example, if you’re using a Mac and you have a Firefox window open with five tabs, you can go to the fourth tab from the left, you can just hit Command-4. (On Windows, Control-4.)

There are a number of applications that already support this convention, like Firefox, TextMate, and Adium. Eclipse and Trillian are the applications that have annoyed me most recently by not supporting it. The lack of support for this convention is what kept me from switching from Firefox to Camino as my everyday browser. (Safari uses the convention to select bookmarks in the Bookmarks Bar. That strikes me as particularly broken.)

Once you’ve gotten used to dealing with tabs in this fashion, you’ll never want to navigate them any other way. I find that even if I am too lazy to count the tabs, just guessing until I hit the right one is still faster than reaching for the mouse or figuring out which keys the application I’m in right then uses for switching to the next tab.

What’s the Apple-EMI deal mean?

Paul Kedrosky has some interesting thoughts on the Apple-EMI deal. He observes that the music industry got something they’ve wanted from Apple for a long time — tiered pricing.

Slate is rebuilding its forum software

Here’s a project to keep an eye on. Slate (bizarrely, with the support of Cisco) is rebuilding its message boards, with a proposed launch date of May 30. They’re starting out by soliciting feedback from users. It’ll be interesting to see what they build, what they use to build it, and whether they meet their deadline.

The case against torture

The capture of the 15 British soldiers by Iran provides a tidy test case for torture apologists. The sailors have already confessed to trespassing in Iranian waters, even though I’m sure that most of them have no idea where they were in the Persian Gulf, exactly, when the Iranians picked them up. Is it fine for Iran to coerce confessions and information from these British sailors? What if Iran declares them “unlawful combatants” before they do it? And most importantly, what moral authority do we have to demand that the Iranians not mistreat those sailors given our own practices when it comes to torturing people we capture? Or must we just rely on letting them know that we have bigger guns, so they must bend to our will?

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