The Washington Post today talks about the logistics of handling White House correspondence:

Here is the filter between the public and its president: a sprawling floor in an ordinary office building, its location kept secret as a security precaution, where the cubicles remain spare and doughnuts and cookies sit on a counter in the break room. Want to call the president? The phone rings here. Want to e-mail him? The message arrives on one of these computers. Want to send him a gift? It might be stored temporarily in a closet next to the break room.

The only decorations in the correspondence office are amateur renderings of Obama tacked to the walls, a sampling of the 100,000 letters and drawings sent by schoolchildren last year. Name tags cover another wall, so that 50 staff members, 25 interns and a rotation of 1,500 volunteers can wear individual badges before communicating on behalf of the president.

There is, of course, a heartwarming personal story included as well.