
Strong opinions, weakly held

Tag: Google (page 5 of 6)

Improving Google Mail Goggles

I think the world is crying out for a mashup of Google Mail Goggles and StupidFilter. Google Mail Goggles is an optional feature for Gmail that will present you with math problems to make sure you think before sending an email when you’re inebriated. StupidFilter analyzes text for “stupidity.”

Wouldn’t it be great if Web browsers and email clients had a tool that could assess the stupidity of text to be posted and then present math problems scaled in difficulty to the degree of stupidity. Thoughtful comment on the status of a project at work? You get 2 + 2. Forwarding an email your crazy uncle sent you about Barack Obama being a Muslim? You get this.

Google on rewriting dynamic URLs

Google says that rewriting dynamic URLs is obsolete as far as they’re concerned. Google has no longer has any problem indexing sites that are built using dynamic URLs.

I prefer frameworks with nice URLs, but if you’re not using one, it’s fine to just go with the standard URLs produced by the application rather than using Web server hacks to make improvements that are no longer needed.

Pandora’s Tom Conrad on Android

Given Apple’s developer-hostile practices when it comes to the iPhone and the iTunes App Store, it’s becoming increasingly important for other mobile phone providers to build handsets that are more competitive with the iPhone. It looks like the best hope on that front is Google’s Android, so I was interested to read Tom Conrad’s thoughts on the platform.

Conrad is the head tech guy for Pandora, the Internet radio company whose client is one of the most compelling iPhone applications.

He lists as plusses Google and the Android team, and as minuses, the fact that differences in hardware will make things rough for developers, and that carriers (not Google) will be the ultimate arbiters of how open the platform is.

I think many people who aren’t iPhone owners might see it as odd that people feel so strongly that Apple needs competition in the handset market. The iPhone is a relatively small player in terms of market share. The thing is, though, I don’t think there are many iPhone owners who would trade their phone for any other handset on the market. Blackberry is nice in some ways, but it’s not an iPhone. (Nor is iPhone a Blackberry.) The market is crying out for more decent substitutes for both.

Read the Chrome EULA

Looks like there’s a huge rights grab in the Google Chrome end user license. These overly broad agreements are common and do not seem to be abused very often, but I think they’re still worth noting.

The Google Browser

A beta version Google’s Web browser, Chrome, will be released tomorrow. It’s based on WebKit (the same engine used by Safari) and will feature a new JavaScript engine.

I’m kind of curious about the name. Is it a joke on the fact that the biggest difference between the major browsers these days is the chrome?

Is the new browser war between WebKit and Gecko (the Firefox engine)? I’m pretty excited by the renewed competition on the browser front, with Microsoft taking Internet Explorer seriously again, and Apple, Google, and Mozilla all competing hard in the browser market. (The fact that Opera continues to innovate and lead is notable as well.)

I’d also add that the heavy lifting on the standards advocacy front that has taken place over the years is what set the table for us to now be entering something of a golden age of Web browsers.

Update: John Resig on how Google Chrome will manage processes, and the implications thereof:

The blame of bad performance or memory consumption no longer lies with the browser but with the site.

Update: I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Scott McCloud’s comic book announcing the browser. It must be nice to have the resources to do this sort of thing.

_why has a better hobby than me

_why the Lucky Stiff is working to compile Ruby into Python bytecode so he can run it using Google Application Engine. I’m just linking to this because it’s so damn cool.

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