
Strong opinions, weakly held

Month: August 2012 (page 2 of 4)

The changes to the v1.1 API requiring authentication won’t affect Tweetbot, all current API calls are already made using authentication. The new rate limits that are part of the v1.1 API will likely end up being a good thing, instead of having a fixed block calls that can be made across the entire API the limits will be based on specific actions. We actually expect this to minimize the chances of being stuck in “Twitter Jail”. As an example, if you refresh your timeline over 60 times in an hour, you’ll still be able to post or DM. In general assuming the numbers listed on Twitter’s side remain consistent this should make for an overall better user experience.

Paul Haddad of Tapbots (makers of the popular Tweetbot Twitter client) comments on the Twitter API 1.1 announcement. The post title is “Don’t Panic.” It’s good to get the perspective of someone in the business of creating a Twitter client.

On Twitter’s API changes

Twitter, which can in many ways thank third party developers for the great success it has enjoyed, is imposing wide-ranging restrictions on third-party developers going forward. They’ve been moving in this direction for awhile, and the latest announcement makes these changes official. Some time ago that made it clear that third-party clients are an endangered species — not only are they discouraging development in that area, but they have also been rolling out new features regularly without corresponding API calls. Now we see that they are imposing much tighter restrictions on API usage in general, and also restricting how content from Twitter can be incorporated into other Web sites.

My biggest complaint with Twitter’s evolution is that it feels like a bit of a bait and switch. More than most other social sites, Twitter owes a huge amount of its success to the creativity of its users and to its developers. Twitter developers have reliably stepped up to meet the needs of the community when Twitter’s official clients have failed to do so. Many of the interesting features Twitter has added were created organically by the community. @-replies, retweets, and hashtags were all bottom-up innovations that made Twitter more useful or more entertaining. Treating Twitter like a game was also a community-created feature, promoted by applications like Favrd and later Favstar.fm.

Now Twitter looks a lot like the big star who forgot about all the little guys that helped it get to the top. Twitter’s early openness was one of the major factors that attracted people like me to it over the closed, overly structured Facebook. Now, though, it looks like Twitter envies Facebook’s walled garden and wants to emulate it. At its best, Twitter has been “of the Internet” in a way that most of its competitors are not. I hate to see them intentionally throwing that away.

I’m not quitting Twitter or anything — I love Twitter. That said, I don’t think that the people who run the company are really in touch with what its users love the most about it.

I’d encourage you to read Marco Arment’s post Interpreting some of Twitter’s API changes for a detailed critique. It really helped clarify my thinking on today’s announcement.

A defense of criticism

A Critic’s Case for Critics Who Are Actually Critical

By New York Times book reviewer Dwight Garner. Good stuff. I am a huge admirer and fan of a well-written piece of criticism.

Daring Fireball turns 10

Happy 10th Birthday, Daring Fireball

Robinson Meyer writes about Daring Fireball, John Gruber’s Apple-centric blog that you probably already read every day. I’ve been reading it from the very beginning. I own the T-shirt. Happy birthday, DF!

Tyler Cowen has students write their own exam

Tyler Cowen’s Unusual Final Exam

I think I’m going to give this a shot next time I interview someone. I’ll ask them what question they wish people would ask them and then have them answer it.

Andre Torrez isn’t busy

Andre Torrez wrote today about a lesson that I was lucky enough to learn fairly early in life. It’s that he’s not busy, and neither is anybody else:

So the final piece I have been working on is never telling people I am busy. Because no, I am not busy. Yes, I have a lot of stuff to do, but I leave it at the office after work and on the weekends. I have many things I am interested in, but I can always make room for something if it is worth doing.

Rather than say: “I am too busy, I don’t have any time for X.” I realize I can be honest and say I am not interested enough in X to do it.

When I was in college a friend of mine told me that he read the first section of the Wall Street Journal every day. I responded by saying I was too busy to do that. This was of course hilarious if only because I was a total slacker who managed to get in at least an hour or two of Tetris on the Nintendo every day no matter what else was happening. I also usually found time to play two or three hours of pick-up basketball and, if I was lucky, make a late night nacho run as well.

Anyway, when I made the patently absurd claim that I was too busy to do something, he told me that it wasn’t that I was busy, but that reading the paper was not a priority for me. It was such an obviously true statement that I immediately feel a twinge of shame every time I’m tempted to claim I’m too busy to do something to this day.

I learned this week that my college friend was just promoted to be Vice President and Controller at a big utility company.

How fonts change your perception of what you read

Hear, All Ye People; Hearken, O Earth (Part One)

Errol Morris investigates how fonts affect whether people believe what they’re reading. Whoa.

The problems with two-factor authentication

Two-Step Verification Dances Around the Issue

Andrew James for PandoDaily on weaknesses of two-factor authentication. I have two nits to pick with his article. First of all, Google has an app you can use to furnish your authentication code on your smart phone. There’s no need to rely on receiving a text to get your code. Secondly, human factors will always be the greatest security weakness. The goal is to minimize their impact.

TextMate 2 released as open source

The source code for TextMate 2, the Duke Nukem Forever of text editors, has been released under the GPL on GitHub. (Here’s a link to the repository.) I switched to TextMate when Ruby on Rails was just released and I switched back to OS X, and the editor has hardly progressed since then. (That was back in the summer of 2005, I think.) For the past couple of years, I’ve been using Vim for pretty much everything but Java.

It’s important to note that we’re not seeing a simultaneous release of version 2 of TextMate. The new version of the editor clearly is not ready to go. The question is whether there’s enough energy around the editor for development to progress. If Allan Odgaard is serious about pushing it to completion, it has a good shot at making it — TextMate still has a large, loyal user base and people who would be willing to contribute in small ways. If he’s publishing the source and washing his hands of it, then I think this is curtains for TextMate.

Are performance reviews even a good idea?

Steve Balmer's performance review, and ours

Larry White argues with the idea that performance reviews are even a good idea. I tend to think that they are useless at best and destructive at worst. Good management involves giving constant feedback all year, not bundling it all up for one incredibly awkward process that takes pace annually.

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