
Strong opinions, weakly held

Tag: just so you know

Just so you know, episode II

Another installment of everyone’s favorite new feature:

  • Web analytics are incredibly inaccurate.
  • White people tend to favor government entitlements that they perceive as being spent on other white people and oppose those that they see as being spent on minorities.
  • Nobody really knows what the effects of salt intake are on health, other than if you eat no salt, you will die.
  • Famous global warming denier and “skeptical environmentalist” Bjorn Lomborg is full of crap.

Just so you know

I am strongly in favor of the correction of misperceptions. Here are a few links to that end:

  • Latino immigration seems to lower crime rates, not raise them, especially violent crime rates. Los Angeles (50% Hispanic) and Portland (America’s whitest city) have roughly the same violent crime rates.
  • Just because the Justice Department rejected a finding of misconduct doesn’t mean that the findings in the torture memos were sound legal advice. They weren’t sanctioned because the standards for what constitutes misconduct are incredibly permissive. Jay Bybee is let off the hook because he was a middle man, and John Yoo is let off the hook because he sincerely believes his crazy theories on Presidential power.
  • The IPCC report on climate change was not rife with errors.
  • There are no circumstances under which it is better to eat a 100 calorie pack of Twinkie Bites instead of an apple.

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